what is cbt

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? – What Makes CBT Different?

As in all forms of cognitive behavioral therapies, CBT assume that psychological problems might be caused in part by our maladaptive/unhelpful/irrational ways of thinking, or behaviors. In CBT, symptoms are not seen as the signs of “deeper issues” since any interpretation without evidence might be a cognitive distortion and contradict with the principles of cognitive…

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A Short Historical Overview

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A Short Historical Overview

Until mid-60s, behaviorism was the dominant approach in both the understanding and the treatment of psychopathologies. Then, however, behavior therapists came to accept that taking classical or operant conditioning as the sole explanation of the development of psychopathologies and working on behavior alone was not enough for progress in many conditions. This was a call…

self, self-cbt, cbt for helping the self

Is Self-CBT Possible? Can We Use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques for Helping the Self?

It is inarguably true that CBT is a very structured form of therapy, and, thus, it must be applied only by professionals who have been trained for it. Especially in clinical conditions, indeed, a professional help is indispensable. However, still, both cognitive and behavioral techniques used in CBT can be suited for helping the self….