Automatic Thought Example for Chronic Disease and Chronic Pain
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Automatic Thought Example for Chronic Disease and Chronic Pain

Living with a chronic disease means constantly managing recurring symptoms and adapting to a new, often unwelcome, reality. This requires not just physical, but also psychological and emotional adjustment. In fact, coping with this new condition often becomes even more important than coping with the physical symptoms themselves. Research shows that automatic thoughts accompanying chronic…

“I Will Never Be Able to Lose Weight…”
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“I Will Never Be Able to Lose Weight…”

Many of us want to lose weight from time to time, but when the process does not go as expected, we become frustrated and start believing that we will fail. Focusing on this thought rather than our goal often makes the process more difficult than it already is. Let’s see how someone who thinks, “I…

Kendime dinlenme izni verecek kadar şey yapmadım
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I haven’t done enough to deserve to rest…

Many of us are constantly on the go, to the point where we can’t truly rest except when we sleep. Yet, there’s that inner voice saying, “You should be doing more.” But how helpful is the belief that we must do a lot to earn the right to rest? Let’s take a closer look. Here…

Automatic Thoughts  and Cognitive Distortions in Anxiety
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Automatic Thoughts  and Cognitive Distortions in Anxiety

When we feel anxious, we have certain automatic thoughts more frequently. If you have noticed, our thoughts during anxiety will usually fit into this formula: Also, when we are anxious, due to intense feelings of fear, we see the world in a biased way, and believe these unhelpful thoughts more easily. This is called cognitive…

Can We Choose What to Think?
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Can We Choose What to Think?

Thousands of thoughts pass through the mind during a day. However, only some of these catch our attention while most cannot make their way into our consciousness. Moreover, we stay focused on some thoughts more when compared to others.  Then, is it random that some thoughts are more prominent or is there any decision mechanism…

the interpreter at work
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Storytelling Brain: The Left-Brain Interpreter

Decades of research have shown that there is an area in the left-hemisphere of our brains that constantly makes up stories about anything and everything! The pioneer of the research, neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga and his colleagues call it “the interpreter”. They discovered the interpreter while they were working with patients so called “split-brain patients”. As…

cognitive distortions
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Cognitive Distortions and How to Overcome Them

Cognitive distortions is a concept from cognitive behavioral therapy, which implies that we usually tend to think in some biased way. Normally, having cognitive distortions is neither a deficit nor a disorder, but it is just a by-product of how our brains work. Our brains are programmed in such a way that when it tries…

Automatic Thoughts: What are They and How can We Identify Them?
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Automatic Thoughts: What are They and How can We Identify Them?

In this post, I will try to tell you about what automatic thoughts are and how to identify them. Sometimes, all of a sudden, we find ourselves feeling depressed, anxious, furious, guilty… However, we can’t tell why. If someone asks, we can’t answer. Our mind is blank: “I don’t know, I just don’t feel well today.”…

automatic thoughts
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How to Challenge Automatic Thoughts in CBT

In one of our previous posts, we examined What Automatic Thoughts are and How to Identify Them Using CBT Techniques. In this post, I will try to tell you about how to challenge automatic thoughts in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. You might have identified more than one automatic thought that you would like to work on….